((OOC: This is a Biography used to track roleplay information and let others read about my character, Please do not meta game any of this information unless permission is given for some reason.))

{ M A T S U D A • K E I }
{ B A S I C • I N F O R M A T I O N }
Matsuda Kei
'Mad Dog of Yachiyo', 'Suda'
♂ Male ♂
6FT 2 Inches
180 - 200 lbs
Marital Status:
Karakura, Chiba (Yachiyo)
Japanese and Manderin
Neutral Evil
Partial Student (When classes are attended.)
{ P H Y S I C A L • D E S C R I P T I O N }
This Arrogant male that stood before your eyes at the height of 6FT and 2 Inches was the delinquent that goes by the name Matsuda. His body would be well built with a strong looking build, his weight depending on the time being between 180 - 200 lbs. Matsuda, following in the ways of a Delinquent, hardly showing up to classes and always being in fights, usually looked to be ‘roughed up’ but never with any serious injuries. However one notable injury that has now scarred can be seen on Matsuda’s neck down the left side. The top of this scar can be seen usually when a T-shirt or Shirt is worn, however due to the baggy hoodie style that is often worn, this might not be seen regularly. Karakura seems to be attracting delinquents from all over japan… What was going to happen with Matsuda now?Matsuda’s eyes were a rather dark amber that were narrow and had a sort of fierce look about them. From a simple glance at his eyes you could usually tell a whole lot about his feelings and emotions being easily read.
{ C H A R A C T E R • S T Y L E }
Matsuda’s style seemed to be rather plain and simple, Baggy pants, a normal and usual attire chosen by delinquents, followed by a large baggy white hoodie, the hoodie having very slight black decals on some areas such as the back and sleeves
However although living the life of a delinquent, that didn't mean that Matsuda's Fashion sense was bad by any means, for any formal occassions the male did have a shirt with black dress trousers.

Upon searching Matsuda’s pockets the usual suspects that could be found were of course a packet of cigarettes along with a rather fancy looking metal lighter. When the need arises Matsuda may be found walking around with a steel pipe or bat of some sort.

{ C H A R A C T E R • T R A I T S }
< + > Positive Traits < + >
Adaptable, Efficient, Persistent, Determined< - > Negative Traits < - >
Blunt, Untrusting, Nicotine Addiction, Selfish< ? > Neutral Traits < ? >
Outspoken, Sarcastic, Impulsive
{ N O N – C O M B A T I C • S K I L L S }
[ M E C H A N I C S ]
Starting from a young age Matsuda always had an obsession with bikes and cars, as long as they looked cool and moved fast then he wasn't actually fussed.
The mechanic knowledge that he has comes from his own personal experimentation with cars and bikes, as well as the knowledge passed to him by his friend who owns a garage.
‘Yeah yeah, shut up, grease monkey I know.’
[ D R I V I N G ]
As its been mentioned Matsuda from a young age has always been into bikes and cars, due to this he learned to drive a bike and a car before the age where he could legally do so.
Even now at the age of 18, Matsuda doesnt have a proper license.
{ C O M B A T I C • S K I L L S }
[ A R M E D • C O M B A T]
Starting at a young age Matsuda was always fighting whether this was just with his fists or with a weapon of some sorts due to the area he grew up.
Matsuda is rather good at combat including blunt weapons such as a metal bat, steel pipe or a car wrench.
[ U N A R M E D • C O M B A T]
Stated above Matsuda has lived a rather combat filled life since a young age due to the bad area where he grew up.
At a younger age basic boxing lessons were taken however Matsuda never really stuck with it, and instead due to the way he has lived his life, has learnt his own ‘brutish’ combat style.
[ A N G E R ]
Matsuda sometimes when in fights has a high adrenaline rush due to a build up of anger, over the years of him fighting with the experience he has started to learn to control his anger and use it to his advantage where he feels less pain and continue to fight on.
However this feat of learning to control his anger is a really recent development, and due to this a large percentage of the times, the anger will still take over as all Matsuda can see is Red.
~ { H E A L T H } ~
[ P H Y I S I C A L • H E A L T H]
Matsuda is in tip-top shape. No health conditions as of now.
Body covered in small minor scars with a larger scar down neck, what could be the cause. .?
[ M E N T A L • H E A L T H ]
Nicotine Addiction - Starting young at the age of 13, Matsuda has smoked almost daily and it is as common as breathing is to him now, he knows he should probably quit but oh well, it calms down his anger and gives him a sense of control.
Violence - In situations greeted with animosity, Matsuda would usually takes a step towards Violence. Often this can be seen as both verbal as well as physical, standing up for himself leading to a more violent approach. It’s usually trigger by threats towards himself or others around him, setting him off into his downward spiral. During this time Matsuda loses all form and seems to fight like a wild beast.